Full list of people

249,445 People

  Cornelis Siersma
  , 29/01/1852
  Cornelis Siersma
  , 29/01/1852
  Sybren Visser
  , 10/05/1852
  Hendrik Zeldenthuis
  , 28/10/1852
  Hendrik Zeldenthuis
  , 28/10/1852
  Hylkje Kooijstra
  , 27/02/1852
  Grietje Jans de Boer
  , 28/02/1852
  Garcon v.d. Woude
  , 25/03/1852
  Hylkje Kooystra
  , 27/02/1852
  Maria Joh_s Brouwer
  , 27/12/1852
  Hendrik Zeldenthuis
  , 28/10/1852
  Sijbren Visser
  , 10/05/1852
  Hijlkje Kooystra
  , 27/02/1852
  Sijbren Visser
  , 10/05/1852
  Hielkje Kooystra
  , 27/02/1852
  Cornelis Siersma
  , 29/01/1852
  Hylkje Kooistra
  , 27/02/1852
  Imke Joh_s Wagenmakers
  , 15/05/1852
  Hendrik Zeldenthuis
  , 28/10/1852
  Garcon v.d. Woude
  , 25/03/1852
  Arendina Steenbergen
  , 09/08/1852
  Hijlkje Kooystra
  , 27/02/1852
  Cornelis Siersma
  , 29/01/1852
  Cornelis Siersma
  , 29/01/1852
  • People's relation to Places:
  • Met this place
  • Was born in this place
  • Died in this place