Full list of people

26 People

  Haaye Zoethout
  , 28/10/1860
  Gerrit Schuurmans
  , 27/11/1860
  Haaye Jans Zoethout
  , 28/10/1860
  Jan Wiersma
  , 19/10/1860
  Waling Soethout
  , 28/10/1860
  Haaye Zoethout
  , 28/10/1860
  Haaye Zoethout
  , 28/10/1860
  Waling Zoethout
  , 28/10/1860
  Jan Ypes Wiersma
  , 19/10/1860
  Waling Soethout
  , 28/10/1860
  Doedje Pieters Stallinga
  , 21/11/1860
  Haaye Zoethout
  , 28/10/1860
  Waling Zoethout
  , 28/10/1860
  Haaye Zoethout
  , 28/10/1860
  Jan Wiersma
  , 19/10/1860
  Waling Jans Zoethout
  , 28/10/1860
  Jan Ypes Wiersma
  , 19/10/1860
  Waling Zoethout
  , 28/10/1860
  Doedje Pieters Stallinga
  , 21/11/1860
  Waling Zoethout
  , 28/10/1860
  Jan Wiersma
  , 19/10/1860
  Waling Zoethout
  , 28/10/1860
  Waling Jans Zoethout
  , 28/10/1860
  Haaye Zoethout
  , 28/10/1860
  Haaije Jans Zoethout
  , 28/10/1860
  Waling Zoethout
  , 28/10/1860
  • People's relation to Places:
  • Met this place
  • Was born in this place
  • Died in this place