Full list of people
18,041 People
Akke Reisma
, 22/12/1811
Bregtje Martens Klaver
, 23/12/1809
Johanne Marie Elisabeth van Aken
, 23/11/1811
Oude Zijl Vrouwenparochie, 10/12/1809
Baukje Jochums Bakker
, 15/10/1813
, 11/10/1809
Antonius van Schie
, 19/10/1805
Jan Sombeek
Oosthuizen provincie Noord-Holland, 22/11/1812
Gerrit Boorsma
, 15/12/1813
Attje Scheltema
, 21/10/1814
Romkjen Veenstra
, 19/12/1812
Sybrigje Hendriks van der Woude
Kollumerland c.a., 15/12/1805
IJsbrantje Symons Tuinstra
, 17/12/1813
Cornelis Frankes Smid
Sintjohannesga, 30/11/1812
Jantje Ytsma
, 19/12/1811
People's relation to Places:
- Met this place
- Was born in this place
- Died in this place